Educational Opportunities Archive
Recent Educational Session Videos
Listed below are videos of past presentations available. If you wish to pay for and obtain a CEU certificate after viewing, you may do so for presentations originally live less than a year ago. To pay, please follow a link to:
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November 14, 2024
Dr. Nancy Taylor
How Many Medications is Too Many Medication?
Understand the intentional and unintentional ways medication quantities add up to dangerous levels.
Recognize the biggest hidden dangers large quantities of medications have on our older adult population.
Determine where a patient advocate canstep in to the prescribing cycle and assist in safe medication regimens.
July 11, 2024
Cameron Svendsen MSW, LCSW
The Truth About Community Based
Palliative Care
Identify the domains of palliative and discuss
how they holistically address the multifaceted
needs of patients
Distinguish the two distinct patient populations
that can benefit from palliative care.
Illustrate the effectiveness of palliative care
using case studies to showcase the positive
outcomes provided for patients and their
families in the community setting.
March 14, 2024
Dr. Carla Shamblen DMSc, PA-C
Precision Medicine:
Moving Away From One-Size-Fits-All
1. Define precision medicine and other terms used to describe precision medicine, such as genomic or personalized medicine. 2. Describe the Precision Medicine Initiative. 3. Review the early triumphs and potential limitations of genomic medicine to include guiding treatment, risk assessment, early detection / prevention, and diagnostics. 4. Explore and discuss ethical, legal, and social implications inherent in precision medicine. 5. Apply genomic medicine approaches to a case example.